Chase that cheese v0.15

Chase that Cheese - Image 1

We already have quite a bunch of “chasing” homebrew games for the PSP (you have Chase that Pyramid, Chase the Penguin, etc.), truth be told this writer here is just waiting for someone to come up with a Chase that Coder game — sponsored by Sony, of course. Harhar.

Lame jokes aside, we’re here to inform you guys that eldiablov has just updated his Chase that Cheese game to include analog support. Not much has changed in the game except for that addition of analog support but just the same, we appreciate it when coders inform us about the latest changes in their brews. That said, why don’t you update the game version you have in your PSPs right now and…

Download: [Chase that cheese v0.15]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

Chase that Cheese - Image 1

We already have quite a bunch of “chasing” homebrew games for the PSP (you have Chase that Pyramid, Chase the Penguin, etc.), truth be told this writer here is just waiting for someone to come up with a Chase that Coder game — sponsored by Sony, of course. Harhar.

Lame jokes aside, we’re here to inform you guys that eldiablov has just updated his Chase that Cheese game to include analog support. Not much has changed in the game except for that addition of analog support but just the same, we appreciate it when coders inform us about the latest changes in their brews. That said, why don’t you update the game version you have in your PSPs right now and…

Download: [Chase that cheese v0.15]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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