Chilly Willy’s IdStorage Manager v1.1

Chilly Willy's IdStorage Manager - Image 1It feels weird to type out the next sentence, but we think his name is cool. Chilly Willy‘s IdStorage Manager v1.1″>Chilly Willy has released v1.1 of Chilly Willy’s IdStorage Manager, a utility application that’ll allow users to dump, view, and verify the IdStorage keys on their PSP. 

Chilly Willy notes that this has a homebrew enabler format to make it easier for stock PSPs to use. He also notes on the readme that “this app will dump all existing keys, verify the keys against files on the memory stick, and display individual keys in hex or ascii.”

Now, before anything else, remember to check the readme for additional information on installation and use of the application. There’s a chance of bricking PSPs with this utility, so you’d best be careful and take the necessary steps to ensure a smaller possibility of PSP brickage. That being said, feel free to try out the app, and be sure to thank Chilly Willy if you happen to use it, alright?

Download: Chilly Willy’s IdStorage Manager v1.1

Chilly Willy's IdStorage Manager - Image 1It feels weird to type out the next sentence, but we think his name is cool. Chilly Willy‘s IdStorage Manager v1.1″>Chilly Willy has released v1.1 of Chilly Willy’s IdStorage Manager, a utility application that’ll allow users to dump, view, and verify the IdStorage keys on their PSP. 

Chilly Willy notes that this has a homebrew enabler format to make it easier for stock PSPs to use. He also notes on the readme that “this app will dump all existing keys, verify the keys against files on the memory stick, and display individual keys in hex or ascii.”

Now, before anything else, remember to check the readme for additional information on installation and use of the application. There’s a chance of bricking PSPs with this utility, so you’d best be careful and take the necessary steps to ensure a smaller possibility of PSP brickage. That being said, feel free to try out the app, and be sure to thank Chilly Willy if you happen to use it, alright?

Download: Chilly Willy’s IdStorage Manager v1.1

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