Color Box r2 for PSP

color puzzle r2

AbE‘s back with his Color Puzzle homebrew, and if you enjoyed the first release, we know you’re gonna like this one too. For those of you picking this up for the first time, here’s the lowdown: It’s a Zelda minigame-inspired homebrew where you move a yellow square over a blue square, which then turns it red. The object of the game is to turn the entire blue field red without stepping on the same square twice, which we (once again) ended up doing. Bah! butterfingers…

The control setup’s still the same: The D-pad moves your square around, the “X” button restarts the level, and the “L/R” buttons cycle through the levels (there’re 18 in total). New to r2: pressing the “Start” button gives you an options menu.

The other updates include a level creator, enabling you to add up to 50 of your own custom-made levels, a level-pack support, and – as you can see above – a pop-up banner every time you win (or lose).

AbE says there won’t be a level editor for the existing levels yet, but we’ll keep you informed of any developments on this.

Download:[Color Puzzle r2]

Via AbE

color puzzle r2

AbE‘s back with his Color Puzzle homebrew, and if you enjoyed the first release, we know you’re gonna like this one too. For those of you picking this up for the first time, here’s the lowdown: It’s a Zelda minigame-inspired homebrew where you move a yellow square over a blue square, which then turns it red. The object of the game is to turn the entire blue field red without stepping on the same square twice, which we (once again) ended up doing. Bah! butterfingers…

The control setup’s still the same: The D-pad moves your square around, the “X” button restarts the level, and the “L/R” buttons cycle through the levels (there’re 18 in total). New to r2: pressing the “Start” button gives you an options menu.

The other updates include a level creator, enabling you to add up to 50 of your own custom-made levels, a level-pack support, and – as you can see above – a pop-up banner every time you win (or lose).

AbE says there won’t be a level editor for the existing levels yet, but we’ll keep you informed of any developments on this.

Download:[Color Puzzle r2]

Via AbE

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