Dark Age of Camelot: NDA lifted, speak freely
It may have been fun being a Beta tester for Dark Ages of Camelot‘s Labyrinth of the Minotaur, and it’ll be even more fun picking up all those Mino-relics when today’s event kicks in – let’s just hope you don’t get mugged on your way out.
Except, you gotta remember that NDA you signed with your Beta test contract – the one that says mum’s the word on this until Mythic Entertainment says so.
Here’s some good news for the Labyrinth beta testers: Mythic has just officially lifted the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) they’ve imposed on the Beta testers for this update.
You guys may now freely blab to the rest of the community about what you’ve seen and experienced in the Labyrinth – and yes, you may now post screenshots to give ’em a better idea of what to expect when they do a bull’s run of the said maze.
On second thought…might be best NOT to say anything until said Labyrinth event finishes, eh? Then, they won’t mug you for your trinkets come the event.
It may have been fun being a Beta tester for Dark Ages of Camelot‘s Labyrinth of the Minotaur, and it’ll be even more fun picking up all those Mino-relics when today’s event kicks in – let’s just hope you don’t get mugged on your way out.
Except, you gotta remember that NDA you signed with your Beta test contract – the one that says mum’s the word on this until Mythic Entertainment says so.
Here’s some good news for the Labyrinth beta testers: Mythic has just officially lifted the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) they’ve imposed on the Beta testers for this update.
You guys may now freely blab to the rest of the community about what you’ve seen and experienced in the Labyrinth – and yes, you may now post screenshots to give ’em a better idea of what to expect when they do a bull’s run of the said maze.
On second thought…might be best NOT to say anything until said Labyrinth event finishes, eh? Then, they won’t mug you for your trinkets come the event.