DDO Monster Profile: Vampire

vampire DDOThere’s a new monster profile up at the DDO site, and it’s about everybody’s favorite  blood-and-soul-sucking creature of the night: the vampire.

Described as a schemer among dark creatures, vampires are considerably smarter than the usual variety of nasties you’ll fight in your next tomb raid such as zombies. They’re not not only capable of launching high-calibre spells and summoning minor familiars like wolves and bats, but are also capable of mind-control, turning that Orc buddy of yours on your party, hammer-first. How’s your willpower checks lately?

So how does one take care of this bad boy? If you can cut through all those protective incantations they’re on, remember that they regenerate insanely fast, and that they’re resistant to your traditional freezing (ice) and zapping (lightning) spells. The usual fare of holy symbols and garlic only slow them down, but a healthy dose of silver weapons and running water should be in your party’s itinerary the next time you run into ‘ol fangface – they’re just the thing to force him into a gaseous retreat.

vampire DDOThere’s a new monster profile up at the DDO site, and it’s about everybody’s favorite  blood-and-soul-sucking creature of the night: the vampire.

Described as a schemer among dark creatures, vampires are considerably smarter than the usual variety of nasties you’ll fight in your next tomb raid such as zombies. They’re not not only capable of launching high-calibre spells and summoning minor familiars like wolves and bats, but are also capable of mind-control, turning that Orc buddy of yours on your party, hammer-first. How’s your willpower checks lately?

So how does one take care of this bad boy? If you can cut through all those protective incantations they’re on, remember that they regenerate insanely fast, and that they’re resistant to your traditional freezing (ice) and zapping (lightning) spells. The usual fare of holy symbols and garlic only slow them down, but a healthy dose of silver weapons and running water should be in your party’s itinerary the next time you run into ‘ol fangface – they’re just the thing to force him into a gaseous retreat.

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