Deadline CEO talks next-gen

Mottes, Chris - Image 1 Deadline Games has been spinning some lavish tales for us gamers since its foundation in 1996. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the business to get the party up and running. Especially for this team of independent Nordic developers who name Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino as their influences.

So, what’s up, Deadline? GameSpot had a li’l tetê-a-tetê with CEO Chris Mottes, and here, their thoughts on game development, the inner workings in the industry, and plans for conquering the next-gens were revealed.

Mottes was particularly proud of how they developed their PSP action-shooter Chili Con Carnage. “We believe we’re going to have the highest kill rate of any PSP game ever! We’re aiming for a good hundred-kills-per-second!” And blast away, we’re sure this game will.

More on games for the Wii, their next project, and daughters after the jump!

Chris Mottes sure wasn't reading a script for the interview - Image 1Deadline Games has been spinning some lavish tales for us gamers since its foundation in 1996. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the business to get the party up and running. Especially for this team of independent Nordic developers who name Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino as their influences.

So, what’s up, Deadline? GameSpot had a li’l tetê-a-tetê with CEO Chris Mottes, and here, their thoughts on game development, the inner workings in the industry, and plans for conquering the next-gens were revealed.

Mottes was particularly proud of how they developed their PSP action-shooter Chili Con Carnage. “We believe we’re going to have the highest kill rate of any PSP game ever! We’re aiming for a good hundred-kills-per-second!” And blast away, we’re sure this game will.

Moving on to the Wii, the CEO had this confession to make:

… I was a little taken aback by how good the Wii was when it came out. I wasn’t prepared for that and at home this is becoming a problem for me because my daughter, who’s five-years old, won’t let me play my games anymore.

But as for Deadline Games — I’m not sure whether we are the right developers for the Wii right now. I’d like to see how action games are going to do on the Wii. Holding my arms out in front of me and walking around through all the levels — personally, I’d get very tired and so on. I like how the Wii works, [the motion-sensitivity is] fantastic, but carrying a six-shooter and always having to move [as you would in a shooter] — I’m a little in doubt. But it’s a fantastic machine.

However, although the Wii may not yet be the next-gen for them, he did confirm that they are currently working on a couple of next-gen games. He even kids about the difference between developing for the old gen and the next-gen. “I’m not a techie, so all I know for a fact is it’s more expensive because I pay the bills.”

And you may all bet on their next-gen title as being a quality action title. Giving us a brief preview, it’s gonna be set in an environment similar to the one you’d find in their Xbox lineup, Total Overdose, but of course with a different twist.  “We’re actually, I have to say, not doing Total Overdose 2, which a lot of people seem to still assume… So, the next project is an action game and it’s going to be based on some really cool things that happened in the real world.”

And we are, indeed, looking forward to that.

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