Demonik: the game from Sandler’s movie


Anything demonic sounds awfully unrelated to comedian Adam Sandler, right? Well, not quite true, especially if you’re a true blue fan. You see, Adam Sandler produced the flick Grandma’s Boy. There was a scene in that movie when two of the characters were testing a game called Demonic. See, there’s a connection.

Amazingly, that same fake game will actually become a reality soon. Developer Terminal Reality recently announced that they are working on it under the title Demonik. It doesn’t have a release date yet but we understand that it will be published by Majesco Games.

The genre Demonik belongs to is not that new at all, but the plot twist definitely gives it an exciting new feel. In the Underworld, demons tried to break free from the slavery they are all chained on. A demonik then is beholden to the person that summoned him, doing what the latter wishes. Players get to become one of these demoniks and wreak havoc on Earth.

There are no concrete details yet about Demonik but here’s a list of some of its interesting features. The read link will take you directly to the game’s official trailer.

  • Demonik‘s storyline is crafted by writer and director Clive Barker.
  • Deadly powers include Maim, kill and Hellfire, The DevilÂ’s Hand, Plague, and Swarm.
  • Possess and take control of any human character encountered.
  • Challenge other gamers’ mastery of their Demonik powers via Xbox Live death matches.


Anything demonic sounds awfully unrelated to comedian Adam Sandler, right? Well, not quite true, especially if you’re a true blue fan. You see, Adam Sandler produced the flick Grandma’s Boy. There was a scene in that movie when two of the characters were testing a game called Demonic. See, there’s a connection.

Amazingly, that same fake game will actually become a reality soon. Developer Terminal Reality recently announced that they are working on it under the title Demonik. It doesn’t have a release date yet but we understand that it will be published by Majesco Games.

The genre Demonik belongs to is not that new at all, but the plot twist definitely gives it an exciting new feel. In the Underworld, demons tried to break free from the slavery they are all chained on. A demonik then is beholden to the person that summoned him, doing what the latter wishes. Players get to become one of these demoniks and wreak havoc on Earth.

There are no concrete details yet about Demonik but here’s a list of some of its interesting features. The read link will take you directly to the game’s official trailer.

  • Demonik‘s storyline is crafted by writer and director Clive Barker.
  • Deadly powers include Maim, kill and Hellfire, The DevilÂ’s Hand, Plague, and Swarm.
  • Possess and take control of any human character encountered.
  • Challenge other gamers’ mastery of their Demonik powers via Xbox Live death matches.

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