Dev diary – WipEout HD Fury Zone tracks

WipEout HD Fury - Image 1You the artsy type? Then you’ll love this next developer diary for the WipEout HD expansion, WipEout HD Fury. Rita Linsley of the development team takes us through the inspiration behind Sony‘s futuristic racer, with a few images to paint the picture clearer.

You the artsy type? Then you’ll love this next developer diary for the WipEout HD expansion, WipEout HD Fury. Rita Linsley of the development team takes us through the inspiration behind Sony‘s futuristic racer, with a few images to paint the picture clearer.

Inspired by nature - Image 1
Inspired by nature - Image 2

The new Zone tracks were designed as “speed experienced in its purest state,” Linsley wrote. No weapons, no frills. A lot of abstract geometry went into the design and it all blends well with the speed concept. Zone was given a psychedelic nature, so naturally, this was inspired by objects found in it – in this case, the fossils and ferns in the images above.

Mixed with graffiti aesthetics and graphic design, the result is what Rita Linsley described as “an otherworldly psychedelic atmosphere.” Riffing off the images above, the outcome was these images below:

WipEout HD - Image 1WipEout HD - Image 2WipEout HD - Image 3
WipEout HD Fury - Image 1

I’m not the artsy type, but it all makes sense to me somehow, although explaining it is another story altogether. If you want more detail, you can always drop by the PlayStation Blog via the link below.

Here’s another WipEout HD Fury dev diary:

Via PlayStation Blog

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