Dev status update: Hydrophobia now fully playable

Hydrophobia - Image 1It seems that Hydrophobia is slowly but surely surfacing from the dev studios at Blade Interactive. We just got an email from managing director Blade Interactive managing director”>Pete Jones, confirming that they’ve finally got a version of Hydrophobia up and running. We’re currently in the talks for scoring an exclusive interview, so watch out for that in the near future!

Hydrophobia on E3 - Image 1

It seems that Hydrophobia is slowly but surely surfacing from the dev studios at Blade Interactive. Ever since it was first announced, it’s been stuck in limbo for almost half a year until E3 finally brought some media. Finally, we get some concrete updates about the development status of the game.

We just got an email from Blade Interactive managing director Pete Jones, confirming that they’ve finally got a version of Hydrophobia up and running. In his own words: “…Hydro is fully playable now!!!!!!!!!” (Which gave me a bit of a jaw-drop moment there – by golly, that’s great news!)

Considering all the effort they’ve putting so much effort into their Hydro Engine (which, judging from the E3 08 tech demo alone, shows some impressive water physics already), having a fully playable version of the game is a big deal!

Jones hasn’t dropped any more details about it though, and we’re currently in the talks for scoring an exclusive interview. Watch out for that in the near future!

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