Developer plans Cydia Store, others aim for jailbreaking service and adult games

iPhone - Image 1The iPhone jailbreaking scene continues to see growth as new services for unauthorized software are in blueprints, challenging Apple’s hold on its super-phone. For starters, Jay Freeman, the man behind the Cycorder, may open a service called the Cydia Store, which will sell apps that you won’t ever find in the official Apple App Store. And if your iPhone isn’t jailbroken yet, a jailbreaking service is also being planned, to help users get the most out of their iPhone. More info after the jump.

The iPhone jailbreaking scene continues to see growth as new services for unauthorized software are in blueprints, challenging Apple’s hold on its super-phone. For starters, Jay Freeman, the man behind the Cycorder, may open a service called the Cydia Store, which will sell apps that you won’t ever find in the official Apple App Store. Freeman says he will only charge developers no more than the 30% commission that Apple gets, to provide for his site’s billing services.

iPhone - Image 1Naturally, these unauthorized releases require you to jailbreak your iPhone, which Apple deems to be illegal. Freeman has been on the lookout for emails from Apple and he’s not taking chances. He’s already got a lawyer just in case Apple decides to slap him with a lawsuit. “The overworking goal is to provide choice,” he says. “It’s understandable that [Apple] wants to control things, but it has been very limiting for developers and users.”

As far as legality is concerned though, Aaron Perzanowski, a professor specializing in digital copyright law at the University of California Berkeley School of Law, believes developers have “a pretty good” defense under the DMCA, just in case Apple decides to purge them, although he didn’t go on the specifics. Be that as it may, this isn’t exactly clear-cut legal either.

With that said, a small company plans to open Rock Your Phone, which aims to provide jailbreaking and modification services, which will be useful for users who haven’t tweaked their iPhones yet. Another start-up is planning to put up an online store that’ll sell adult games for the iPhone, to help get you iRoused anytime, anywhere.

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