Dive into this Vanguard: Saga of Heroes video preview

You know, it's interesting how they want us to rest after a couple of hours of gaming...

There’s nothing that shows off the developer’s intent with a video game than a video of the gameplay, WITH the developer/s giving background commentary every minute or so. So, in watching this PR preview video for Sigil Games Online’s Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, we have an even better idea of what the game is, and how it looks like and will play, than any interview or trailer, short of kidnapping the devs and torturing the info out of them.

And accompanying us on this preview are Sigil CEO Brad McQuaid and “partner in crime” Jeff Butler. Using the beta tests and other gameplay footage they have, they walk us through so much of the game.

  • The 19 character race varieties to choose from, and the “unparalleled” character customization.
  • The game’s feature that allows you to own your own house, and to trade it in for bigger properties as you level up. MTV Cribs, anyone?
  • The seas of a seamless world, complete with customizable water transport. Pimp my Galleon?
  • A sneak peek at the external environments and the warrens of internal dungeon hallways and mazes, and the creatures and foes that reside within and without.

One feature that interests us greatly is what looks like a “safe save-point” where “you and your party can log off” and come back at a pre-agreed time to continue where you left off. The emphasis is to break up those notorious hours-long raids and grinds in that other MMORPG into what the devs like to call “short-time commitments”. “Plenty of solo content” too, they say. This should help set the game apart from other RPGs, or at least attract the casual gaming audience.

All of these and more await you in just under 18 minutes of solid gameplay video and developer commentary, just by clicking the DL link below. File’s about 110MB on the HDD, though. Sorry about that. The price of in-depth, it seems.

Download: [Vanguard video preview-walkthrough]

You know, it's interesting how they want us to rest after a couple of hours of gaming...

There’s nothing that shows off the developer’s intent with a video game than a video of the gameplay, WITH the developer/s giving background commentary every minute or so. So, in watching this PR preview video for Sigil Games Online’s Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, we have an even better idea of what the game is, and how it looks like and will play, than any interview or trailer, short of kidnapping the devs and torturing the info out of them.

And accompanying us on this preview are Sigil CEO Brad McQuaid and “partner in crime” Jeff Butler. Using the beta tests and other gameplay footage they have, they walk us through so much of the game.

  • The 19 character race varieties to choose from, and the “unparalleled” character customization.
  • The game’s feature that allows you to own your own house, and to trade it in for bigger properties as you level up. MTV Cribs, anyone?
  • The seas of a seamless world, complete with customizable water transport. Pimp my Galleon?
  • A sneak peek at the external environments and the warrens of internal dungeon hallways and mazes, and the creatures and foes that reside within and without.

One feature that interests us greatly is what looks like a “safe save-point” where “you and your party can log off” and come back at a pre-agreed time to continue where you left off. The emphasis is to break up those notorious hours-long raids and grinds in that other MMORPG into what the devs like to call “short-time commitments”. “Plenty of solo content” too, they say. This should help set the game apart from other RPGs, or at least attract the casual gaming audience.

All of these and more await you in just under 18 minutes of solid gameplay video and developer commentary, just by clicking the DL link below. File’s about 110MB on the HDD, though. Sorry about that. The price of in-depth, it seems.

Download: [Vanguard video preview-walkthrough]

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