Document reveals New Line optioned rights for Heavy Rain movie

heavy_rainIs Heavy Rain gearing up for a movie adaptation? Quantic Dream’s blockbuster suspense-action game seems like it is thinking of taking Hollywood by storm as copyright documents were recently unearthed filed by New Line Productions.






Is Heavy Rain gearing up for a movie adaptation? Quantic Dream’s blockbuster suspense-action game seems like it is thinking of taking Hollywood by storm as copyright documents were recently unearthed filed by New Line Productions.


According to the document discovered, said option rights to turn the game into a move was stamped with a May 15, 2006 date, which was incidentally just a few days after “The Casting” trailer revealed at then’s E3.


The presence of this document does not guarantee that the movie will be made, though. After all, it was just for option rights. Essentially, this means that if Quantic Dream does allow for the film adaptation, then the rights for its Hollywood production is now reserved for New Line Cinema.

No statement has been released by any of the involved parties have been released regarding this document. We’ll be keeping you posted on this for sure.



Via [superannuation]




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