Doritos to host amateur gaming competition

doritosNo matter how good you get or no matter how many people call you “pro” online, you’ll never be an actual pro unless you play that game for a living. For those who haven’t given up on the dream of gaming for a living, here’s your big chance – the snack that usually finds itself on the snack menu just might help you become a real pro gamer.






No matter how good you get or no matter how many people call you “pro” online, you’ll never be an actual pro unless you play that game for a living. For those who haven’t given up on the dream of gaming for a living, here’s your big chance – the snack that usually finds itself on the snack menu just might help you become a real pro gamer.


Doritos, in cooperation with Major League Gaming, will be conducting a series of pro gaming training camps across the United States in the hopes of realizing a few gamers’ dreams of counting themselves among professional gamers. Dubbed “Pro-Gaming Combine”, the program aims to bring amateur gamers, pros, and League officials from all over the country to train and compete.


Major League Gaming will be keeping an eye on the hopefuls, checking for “slaying power, teamwork/communication, leadership, objective play and support play.” Those who stand out will be called out for further evaluation by the MLG Scout Team, who will then select a proud few to compete for the prizes.


Interested? You can check the program’s dates, destinations, and prizes through this press release.





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