DSOrganize – M3/G6 Support Dropped!

DSO ScreenshotI was shocked today as I stumbled into DragonMinded‘s IRC channel for DSOrganize and reading the title. Today he has announced that support for the M3/G6 flashcarts has been dropped due to compatibility issues and unwanted stress. This is completely understandable as there are several different types of flashcarts, each of which usually require a different build of DSOrganize due to read/write issues.

As of right now, DSOrganize works on most flashcarts, even M3 flashcarts. However, future versions may not as support for the line of flashcarts is being dropped. The man is a well respected coder, and he makes well respected decisions. Here’s part of what he had to say –

I know that this sounds very rash, but I am starting to get tired of working on DSOrganize due to all the stress of keeping multiple releases and constantly trying to fix things not related to my code. I hope you all understand.

Via DragonMinded

DSO ScreenshotI was shocked today as I stumbled into DragonMinded‘s IRC channel for DSOrganize and reading the title. Today he has announced that support for the M3/G6 flashcarts has been dropped due to compatibility issues and unwanted stress. This is completely understandable as there are several different types of flashcarts, each of which usually require a different build of DSOrganize due to read/write issues.

As of right now, DSOrganize works on most flashcarts, even M3 flashcarts. However, future versions may not as support for the line of flashcarts is being dropped. The man is a well respected coder, and he makes well respected decisions. Here’s part of what he had to say –

I know that this sounds very rash, but I am starting to get tired of working on DSOrganize due to all the stress of keeping multiple releases and constantly trying to fix things not related to my code. I hope you all understand.

Via DragonMinded

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