Duke Nukem Forever headed to Xbox 360?

Oooh. Is that you, Duke?

The FPS which blew away the competition back in 1996 may (and we repeat: MAY) actually be seeing the light of day after all. Well, according to a whole lot of speculation anyway.

The root of all the theories regarding the come-back of Duke Nukem is the fact that quite recently, 3D Realms, the company who made the original game, has posted a couple of job openings over at Gamasutra. This may be nothing unusual, but there were two details that caught everyone’s eyes.

First, is that among the specified requirements for the jobs was “Passion for making and playing over-the-top action games” (and among 3D Realms’ repertoire, what else can be more “over-the-top” than Duke Nukem?). And next would be the statement that the new recruits will be working at “3D Realms’ Texas studio on PC and Xbox 360 development”. So, if we’re assuming that the title in question is Duke Nukem Forever (which is taking, well, forever to finish), and the qualified applicants will be working at 3D Realms’ X360 and PC department… It’s really just a matter of putting two and two together.

Here’s to hoping that we can finally get some confirmation on this soon.

Oooh. Is that you, Duke?

The FPS which blew away the competition back in 1996 may (and we repeat: MAY) actually be seeing the light of day after all. Well, according to a whole lot of speculation anyway.

The root of all the theories regarding the come-back of Duke Nukem is the fact that quite recently, 3D Realms, the company who made the original game, has posted a couple of job openings over at Gamasutra. This may be nothing unusual, but there were two details that caught everyone’s eyes.

First, is that among the specified requirements for the jobs was “Passion for making and playing over-the-top action games” (and among 3D Realms’ repertoire, what else can be more “over-the-top” than Duke Nukem?). And next would be the statement that the new recruits will be working at “3D Realms’ Texas studio on PC and Xbox 360 development”. So, if we’re assuming that the title in question is Duke Nukem Forever (which is taking, well, forever to finish), and the qualified applicants will be working at 3D Realms’ X360 and PC department… It’s really just a matter of putting two and two together.

Here’s to hoping that we can finally get some confirmation on this soon.

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