E3 2009: One of three unannounced Square Enix games is ‘Rapture’, PS3 console exclusive

Square Enix - Image 1A couple of days ago, Square Enix revealed that they will be showing three unannounced games at their E3 presentation. Today, we gathered word that one of these three games is actually an MMO title  — exclusively for the PlayStation 3, as far as the consoles are concerned at least.

Rapture, Square Enix - Image 1 

A couple of days ago, Square Enix revealed that they will be showing three unannounced games at their E3 presentation. Today, we gathered word that one of these three games is actually an MMO title  — exclusively for the PlayStation 3, as far as the consoles are concerned at least.

The title? “Rapture“. The game will supposedly be presented at the Square Enix press conference (yes, there will be one after all), at 11AM, Wednesday. Now take note of the phrase I used above: “as far as the consoles are concerned at least.” That’s because while the game will be coming out only for the PS3 console, it will also be coming out for the PC.

In case you cannot wait to see the media to be presented at Squeenix’ presentation on Wednesday, you can try go ahead and see how Sony‘s presentation will go instead. We hear they will be unveiling it at their presscon too.

And there you have it, that’s one of the three mystery titles from Square Enix. Two to go. Things are just getting hotter.

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Via GamePlayer

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