eChanger Beta v0.2 Unleashed

eChangerFor those using the GTA boot, here’s a program that will allow you to change the eMenu easily and without having to restart GTA to view the changes – UberOne‘s eChanger. Since this is already beta v0.2, I’m sure those who’ve encountered v0.1 will want to know what’s new with this release.

UberOne admits that he hurried the first release and that it – to borrow his own word – “sucked”. To redeem himself, he’s coming up with a “highly improved version”. Starting v0.2’s code from ground zero, his latest release now has an improved interface and will allow you to preview eMenus in full screen. Separate files need not be made for previews.

Users of v0.1 will be happy to know that the new version no longer has that annoying flickering of the screen. Also, you no longer have to worry about overwriting eMenus as a selected eMenu will only swap with the one currently in use.

To use eChanger just follow these simple instructions:

  1. Extract eChanger into the “Game” directory of your PSP.
  2. Go to file \PSP\eLoader.
  3. Add your images in the folder and name them accordingly: emenu1.png, emenu2.png, emenu3.png, and so on and so forth. You can put a maximum of 10 images in the folder.
  4. Use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons to scroll through the list of eMenus then press ‘X’ to select the eMenu you’d like to use.
  5. Go to exit and there you have your choice eMenu.

If you’ve been burned by the first release, give eChanger a second chance because UberOne does reiterate that “This one is truly better I promise”. Thanks UberOne for sharing this amazing app to us!

Download: [eChanger Beta v0.2]

eChangerFor those using the GTA boot, here’s a program that will allow you to change the eMenu easily and without having to restart GTA to view the changes – UberOne‘s eChanger. Since this is already beta v0.2, I’m sure those who’ve encountered v0.1 will want to know what’s new with this release.

UberOne admits that he hurried the first release and that it – to borrow his own word – “sucked”. To redeem himself, he’s coming up with a “highly improved version”. Starting v0.2’s code from ground zero, his latest release now has an improved interface and will allow you to preview eMenus in full screen. Separate files need not be made for previews.

Users of v0.1 will be happy to know that the new version no longer has that annoying flickering of the screen. Also, you no longer have to worry about overwriting eMenus as a selected eMenu will only swap with the one currently in use.

To use eChanger just follow these simple instructions:

  1. Extract eChanger into the “Game” directory of your PSP.
  2. Go to file \PSP\eLoader.
  3. Add your images in the folder and name them accordingly: emenu1.png, emenu2.png, emenu3.png, and so on and so forth. You can put a maximum of 10 images in the folder.
  4. Use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons to scroll through the list of eMenus then press ‘X’ to select the eMenu you’d like to use.
  5. Go to exit and there you have your choice eMenu.

If you’ve been burned by the first release, give eChanger a second chance because UberOne does reiterate that “This one is truly better I promise”. Thanks UberOne for sharing this amazing app to us!

Download: [eChanger Beta v0.2]

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