Emotionless PS3 coming to America?

ps3 - Image 1There’s some smoke leaking that the Sony PlayStation 3 PAL version, which lacks the PS2 Emotion Engine, could be available outside PAL jurisdiction. In the DCEmu message boards, it was reported by webmaster Wraggster that the new PS3s will use software emulation to compensate for the chip’s absence similar to what Microsoft did to the Xbox 360.

This version of the PS3 carries the largest hard drive space possible and carries the Broadband Cell processor. The absence of the Emotion Engine, the webmaster says, is an approach which could have been done by Sony a little sooner.

He says that this will probably push down the prices of the game console in order to boost the demand for it. Software emulation allows the company to save on production costs and hopes the effect can trickle down to end users.

To see the discussion for yourself, follow the read URL.

ps3 - Image 1There’s some smoke leaking that the Sony PlayStation 3 PAL version, which lacks the PS2 Emotion Engine, could be available outside PAL jurisdiction. In the DCEmu message boards, it was reported by webmaster Wraggster that the new PS3s will use software emulation to compensate for the chip’s absence similar to what Microsoft did to the Xbox 360.

This version of the PS3 carries the largest hard drive space possible and carries the Broadband Cell processor. The absence of the Emotion Engine, the webmaster says, is an approach which could have been done by Sony a little sooner.

He says that this will probably push down the prices of the game console in order to boost the demand for it. Software emulation allows the company to save on production costs and hopes the effect can trickle down to end users.

To see the discussion for yourself, follow the read URL.

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