Enemy Territory: Quake Wars community site opens, shows 2 new screens

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars new screens - Image 1 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars new screens - Image 2 

Activision and id are really cranking up the next-gen power of the Sony PlayStation 3, PC and the Microsoft Xbox 360. They just put up the community site for their upcoming biggie Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and as a welcoming gift, they put up two high-resolution screens for you to drool over.

The game is said to be an online “tactical shooter” which tells the tale of the human race’s struggle against the Strogg – a nefarious alien race out to wipe the humans from the face of the planet.

With these early screens, the game is already looking to become one of the most visually-stunning titles in both next-gen platforms. If the movements and the action live up to the hype, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars can be a really scary game for its competitors. Just knowing that the ever-amazing id team is behind it already indicates a good chance that it will happen.

Via Enemy Territory

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars new screens - Image 1 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars new screens - Image 2 

Activision and id are really cranking up the next-gen power of the Sony PlayStation 3, PC and the Microsoft Xbox 360. They just put up the community site for their upcoming biggie Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and as a welcoming gift, they put up two high-resolution screens for you to drool over.

The game is said to be an online “tactical shooter” which tells the tale of the human race’s struggle against the Strogg – a nefarious alien race out to wipe the humans from the face of the planet.

With these early screens, the game is already looking to become one of the most visually-stunning titles in both next-gen platforms. If the movements and the action live up to the hype, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars can be a really scary game for its competitors. Just knowing that the ever-amazing id team is behind it already indicates a good chance that it will happen.

Via Enemy Territory

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