ESRB: Star Fox 64 for the Wii

ESRB rates Star Fox 64 for the Wii - Image 1 

To the Nintendo Wii console owners scanning Virtual Console, we’d like to ask how your Lylat is doing. For those not exactly sure of what we’re talking about, Lylat is the official language of the Lylat System, where the Star Fox series of video games takes. And since we mentioned Star Fox and VC in two successive sentences, you know that that means – Star Fox 64 for the Wii has just been rated by the ESRB.  Expect it to head for North America‘s VC shopping cart soon.

For the benefit of the guys not fully-aware of the implications of this news, Star Fox 64 is remembered as a Nintendo 64 sequel to the Star Fox game for the Super Nintendo (SNES). Players take control of Fox McCloud and his Arwing in this N64 shooter classic (we’d say flight sim, but the Ace Combat fans beg to differ), as Fox and the rest of the Star Fox Team fight their way to planet Venom to discover what evil scientist Andross plots in the year after his defeat in the original Star Fox game (SNES).

Fans may probably remember Star Fox 64 for its introduction of new game vehicles such as the Landmaster (tank) and Blue Marine (submarine), along with the introduction of fully executed voice dubs as compared to the “gibberish” in the first game – and as the source of the “Do a barrel roll!” net meme you’ve probably heard of.

On a slightly sadder tone, fans may recall this game was cosidered to be one of the indirect reasons Star Fox 2 for the SNES was canned, in line with Nintendo’s move to promote the N64. Many claim that this at least (indirectly) led to its rebirth as the Star Fox Command title for the DS. Still, we wonder if this was what Imamura meant by his recent statement about doing his best to bring Star Fox to the Wii.

ESRB rates Star Fox 64 for the Wii - Image 1 

To the Nintendo Wii console owners scanning Virtual Console, we’d like to ask how your Lylat is doing. For those not exactly sure of what we’re talking about, Lylat is the official language of the Lylat System, where the Star Fox series of video games takes. And since we mentioned Star Fox and VC in two successive sentences, you know that that means – Star Fox 64 for the Wii has just been rated by the ESRB.  Expect it to head for North America‘s VC shopping cart soon.

For the benefit of the guys not fully-aware of the implications of this news, Star Fox 64 is remembered as a Nintendo 64 sequel to the Star Fox game for the Super Nintendo (SNES). Players take control of Fox McCloud and his Arwing in this N64 shooter classic (we’d say flight sim, but the Ace Combat fans beg to differ), as Fox and the rest of the Star Fox Team fight their way to planet Venom to discover what evil scientist Andross plots in the year after his defeat in the original Star Fox game (SNES).

Fans may probably remember Star Fox 64 for its introduction of new game vehicles such as the Landmaster (tank) and Blue Marine (submarine), along with the introduction of fully executed voice dubs as compared to the “gibberish” in the first game – and as the source of the “Do a barrel roll!” net meme you’ve probably heard of.

On a slightly sadder tone, fans may recall this game was cosidered to be one of the indirect reasons Star Fox 2 for the SNES was canned, in line with Nintendo’s move to promote the N64. Many claim that this at least (indirectly) led to its rebirth as the Star Fox Command title for the DS. Still, we wonder if this was what Imamura meant by his recent statement about doing his best to bring Star Fox to the Wii.

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