EverQuest 2’s 2008 to have more content and perhaps even Epic Weapons
What’s in store for EverQuest 2 in the year 2008? An article over at the official EverQuest 2 site may hold water as new content, Epic weapons and raids were discussed. Fans are clamoring for Sony Online Entertainment to bring back relics of the past as well as new blood. Knowing SOE, they usually listen. Head to the full article for more details.
We saw this nice post on the EverQuest 2 Tentonhammer site which looks forward to just what 2008 could have in store for the residents of Sony Online Entertainment’s virtual world. Less cost, more content, and most interestingly, Epic Weapons were discussed along with some other stuff.
According to author Savanja, we could see more high end group and raid content similar to Estate of Unrest and the Emerald Halls. We certainly hope he’s right because activities like that never seem to grow old.
Epic Weapons were favorites from the original EverQuest which a lot of people want to see return in EverQuest 2. They’ve been put on hold but Savanja says hope is just around the corner.
“Rumor has it these will be showing up in January’s Game Update and with the extra development time we hope to see a smooth quest line with complete weapons for each class,” writes Savanja.
More speculative insights were put forward describing what 2008 may hold for one of the biggest MMORPGs in the world. You can follow the source link to read more. Here’s hoping that Sony Online Entertainment gives us more great stuff than ever in EverQuest 2.