Explodemon dated for PSN release

explodemon-thumbCurve’s Explodemon has a fun concept. Players control the titular character, whose power lets him blow himself up. Interested? Its coming to the PS3 later this year.






Curve’s Explodemon has a fun concept. Players control the titular character, whose power lets him blow himself up. Interested? Its coming to the PS3 later this year.


The developer has announced a Q4 2010 PlayStation Network release for the 2.5D platformer. Aside from all the self-inflicted explosions, Explodemon will also feature some physics-based puzzles. It draws a lot of inspiration from old Japanese platformers, especially the badly-translated ones.


“The game is chock full of gameplay nuggets carefully mined from the greatest titles ever to grace our joysticks,” says design director Jonathan Biddle. “Whether you’re experiencing its intense combat, head-scratching puzzles, or classic platforming, you’ll find we’ve combined all of these elements into an addictive and elegantly balanced package.”





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