Factor 5 to release a control scheme fix for Lair?

Lair Factor 5 PS3 - Image 1Many gamers and critics may have had a hard time with Lair‘s controls, and Factor 5 definitely noticed the complaints about the game’s control scheme. So is it possible that they may send a out a fix for Lair‘s motion sensing controls or – even better – release an entirely new optional control scheme? Read the full article to judge for yourself.

Lair Factor 5 PS3 - Image 1We all know that Lair had a rocky start with most PS3 gamers, suffering from its rather quirky and complicated controls. However, it looks like there’s a possibility that Factor 5 will make a control fix in order to make the game a tad easier and more manageable, if one were to read between the lines of Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht‘s statement:

If we find a chance in the future that would bring Lair to the audience which didn’t get any access, that would be fantastic…I can’t say anything quite yet, but there might be something in the works there. We might have a chance yet to bring those back to the table and hopefully, if that should happen, they would give the game a second chance.

Eggebrecht also acknowledged the fact that most gamers, as well as critics, did not take Lair‘s control system well, which led to an incredibly mixed reception. He did mention his own misgivings, however. “I hope that a lot of people realize that underlying the problem they had with the base control, there actually was a really good game there. That’s at least what I think,” said F5’s president.

He also said that one lesson that they learned from Lair is that they should have released the game with different control schemes, especially if the main control scheme is something new and may take a while to get used to.

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