Famitsu reveals Sakura Taisen DS

Weekly Famitsu reveals Sakura Taisen DS - Image 1 

The Imperial Assault Force’s Flower Division is ready for another spin to fight demons and save the capital. Sakura Taisen, known as Sakura Wars outside Japan, will be appearing on the DS. Our fortunate fellow gamers from the land of the rising sun will get yet another installment to the widely popular series, as Weekly Famitsu revealed a new Sakura Taisen title for Nintendo’s handheld.

Adventure mode seems to be back, allowing players to play as Ichiro Ogami and move around 3D environments. The Live Interactive Picture System (LIPS), intact throughout the series where players interact with various characters in limited time is good to stay. Combat seems to favor dungeon-crawling this time around, but battles will still be turn-based.

Expect Sakura Taisen for the DS to be on Japanese shelves next year (with a title fitting to the DS, like Sakura Taisen: Demon Slayer perhaps?), spring 2008. We’re sure to keep you posted on any updates, so watch this space.

Via NeoGAF Forums

Weekly Famitsu reveals Sakura Taisen DS - Image 1 

The Imperial Assault Force’s Flower Division is ready for another spin to fight demons and save the capital. Sakura Taisen, known as Sakura Wars outside Japan, will be appearing on the DS. Our fortunate fellow gamers from the land of the rising sun will get yet another installment to the widely popular series, as Weekly Famitsu revealed a new Sakura Taisen title for Nintendo’s handheld.

Adventure mode seems to be back, allowing players to play as Ichiro Ogami and move around 3D environments. The Live Interactive Picture System (LIPS), intact throughout the series where players interact with various characters in limited time is good to stay. Combat seems to favor dungeon-crawling this time around, but battles will still be turn-based.

Expect Sakura Taisen for the DS to be on Japanese shelves next year (with a title fitting to the DS, like Sakura Taisen: Demon Slayer perhaps?), spring 2008. We’re sure to keep you posted on any updates, so watch this space.

Via NeoGAF Forums

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