Fibonacci calculator
Sony PlayStation Portable developer maxthebest has released his latest work and it’s called the Fibonacci Calculator. It’s a program that lets you do easy mathematical tasks right on your handheld. This could be the prelude to more complex stuff from newcomers in the PSP development scene.
Download: Fibonacci Calculator
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer maxthebest has written his second application in C and has released it for everyone to enjoy. It’s called the Fibonacci Calculator and it will allow you to do some relatively simple calculations on your PSP.
The application is a pretty simple one and is easy to install. It’s cool to see people starting out on PSP homebrew development with simple apps like this one to get them primed for more complex stuff. It just shows that the community is alive and growing.
A readme is included in the archive to guide you along with the Fibonacci Calculator’s installation. You can also visit maxthebest’s thread on the PSP Development Forums to comment on his work.
Download: Fibonacci Calculator
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums