Fighting family: Super Robot Wars W screens
They’re not lost in space, but they do seem to plan on beating the stuffing out of space aliens while they’re there. Straight from Famitsu are new screens of Banpresto‘s Super Robot Taisen W, or Super Robot Wars W, featuring a family with their own bunch of robots, and a massive carrier to boot.
First off is the protagonist and his younger sister who, according to the translations online, are part of the Adeigan family. Kazuma and Mihiro Adeigan pilot the Real Robot known as Valhawk which, like Macross’ Valkyries, transform for jet fighter to robot.
Next up is their big daddy and the some of the other members of the crew of the Valstork, the carrier for the Valhawk and other additional mechs your crew will eventually pick up. Blessfield Adeigan is the ship’s captain and father to Kazuma and Mihiro. Along with him, but not pictured below are Shihomi and Akane Adeigan, ship operator and gunner, respectively. Lastly, the Valstork also has Horis Horaian, their quartermaster.
Of course, you’re probably more interested in the new mechs, so who are we to stop you? Enjoy the new screenshots and pray it heads to America and the UK, alright? If you can translate it a bit more accurately for us, let us know as well. We’d love to hear from you.
More Super Robots after the jump!
They’re not lost in space, but they do seem to plan on beating the stuffing out of space aliens while they’re there. Straight from Famitsu are new screens of Banpresto‘s Super Robot Taisen W, or Super Robot Wars W, featuring a family with their own bunch of robots, and a massive carrier to boot.
First off is the protagonist and his younger sister who, according to the translations online, are part of the Adeigan family. Kazuma and Mihiro Adeigan pilot the Real Robot known as Valhawk which, like Macross’ Valkyries, transform for jet fighter to robot.
Next up is their big daddy and the some of the other members of the crew of the Valstork, the carrier for the Valhawk and other additional mechs your crew will eventually pick up. Blessfield Adeigan is the ship’s captain and father to Kazuma and Mihiro. Along with him, but not pictured below are Shihomi and Akane Adeigan, ship operator and gunner, respectively. Lastly, the Valstork also has Horis Horaian, their quartermaster.
Of course, you’re probably more interested in the new mechs, so who are we to stop you? Enjoy the new screenshots and pray it heads to America and the UK, alright? If you can translate it a bit more accurately for us, let us know as well. We’d love to hear from you.