First Crysis patch to arrive within two weeks
Having problems with Crysis? Well, if you’ve sent in your complaints to Crytek, then worry no longer, as the word from Crytek’s own CEO, Cevat Yerli, is that a patch is already being cooked up that should get rid of most (if not all) of the game’s post-launch gremlins. Awesome!
Check out the entire details at the full articles.
For those of us currently enjoying the finest FPS action on this side of the seventh gaming generation with Crytek‘s Crysis, here’s some good news: the guys in charge of the game have collected all the gripes, complaints and reports that the players have sent in and are now in the process of resolving all of those via a patch that should become available for download within two weeks’ time. Awesome!
This nifty update comes directly from Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli, who revealed the patch’s estimated time of arrival during an interview. His statement, verbatim:
We are collecting up all the user feedback now and planning patches that will address as much as possible as fast as possible. The first patch will be out in 7-14 days.
Definitely great of Crytek to respond quickly to player feedback, even though Crysis itself has only been recently released. Here’s hoping the patch arrives as fast as possible.