First PS3 Launch Title Confirmed

GundamBandai Namco knows everyone got disappointed by the delay and confusion that surrounds Armored Core 4, mech title by FromSoftware. To make things alright and shine again like fully furnished metals, the Japanese company stepped in as they wouldn’t like mech games missing from the PS3 launch.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire was announced today to be released in Japan with the next-gen console on November 11. For the American scene, things are not that crystal clear but Bandai Namco still promises a 2006 release. Accordingly, this makes Gundam then the first ever confirmed PS3 launch title.

Crossfire features the two warring sides of Earth Federation Forces and Zeon Forces during the latter stages of The One Year War.


GundamBandai Namco knows everyone got disappointed by the delay and confusion that surrounds Armored Core 4, mech title by FromSoftware. To make things alright and shine again like fully furnished metals, the Japanese company stepped in as they wouldn’t like mech games missing from the PS3 launch.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire was announced today to be released in Japan with the next-gen console on November 11. For the American scene, things are not that crystal clear but Bandai Namco still promises a 2006 release. Accordingly, this makes Gundam then the first ever confirmed PS3 launch title.

Crossfire features the two warring sides of Earth Federation Forces and Zeon Forces during the latter stages of The One Year War.


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