Flash storage to win over HD-DVD and Blu-ray?

Optical mediaHere’s even more from Bill Gates on the console war. Apparently, he thinks that in the end HD-DVD and Blu-ray may not even “count” since they represent the last generation of optical media.

In an interview over at The Daily Princetonian, he said: “For us it’s not the physical format. Understand that this is the last physical format there will ever be. Everything’s going to be streamed directly or on a hard disk. So, in this way, it’s even unclear how much this one counts.”

Writer Theo Valich, thinks that while many other people have overlooked that statement made by Bill Gates, he believes that Bill is pretty much on target.

He predicts that the technology that will win the optical standards war isn’t even an optical standard. He believes that flash memory, with its falling prices and its ever increasing capacity will win in the end. He also adds that the trend today is that consumers are willing to sacrifice quality for mobility.

Of course Bill Gates doesn’t miss the opportunity in the Princetonian to decry the Blu-ray format, but you can’t really blame him for that. It’s sorta his job.

It’s not the physical format that we have the issue with, it’s that the protection scheme on Blu is very anti-consumer. If [the Blu-ray group] would fix that one thing, you know, that’d be fine.

Well guys, what do you think? Blu-ray, HD-DVD, some hybrid format, or flash storage?

Via DailyPrincetonian

Optical mediaHere’s even more from Bill Gates on the console war. Apparently, he thinks that in the end HD-DVD and Blu-ray may not even “count” since they represent the last generation of optical media.

In an interview over at The Daily Princetonian, he said: “For us it’s not the physical format. Understand that this is the last physical format there will ever be. Everything’s going to be streamed directly or on a hard disk. So, in this way, it’s even unclear how much this one counts.”

Writer Theo Valich, thinks that while many other people have overlooked that statement made by Bill Gates, he believes that Bill is pretty much on target.

He predicts that the technology that will win the optical standards war isn’t even an optical standard. He believes that flash memory, with its falling prices and its ever increasing capacity will win in the end. He also adds that the trend today is that consumers are willing to sacrifice quality for mobility.

Of course Bill Gates doesn’t miss the opportunity in the Princetonian to decry the Blu-ray format, but you can’t really blame him for that. It’s sorta his job.

It’s not the physical format that we have the issue with, it’s that the protection scheme on Blu is very anti-consumer. If [the Blu-ray group] would fix that one thing, you know, that’d be fine.

Well guys, what do you think? Blu-ray, HD-DVD, some hybrid format, or flash storage?

Via DailyPrincetonian

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