Fun with numbers: 4th Unreal Tournament now called “Unreal Tournament 3”

Where's my flak cannon???? - Image 1

As reported by CVG, Midway Games has just recently announced it has decided to rename the fourth installment to the Unreal Tournament series, from “Unreal Tournament 2007“, to “Unreal Tournament 3“.

Many are, of course, confused by this sudden change, considering that before the announcement of the upcoming UT2K7, there were the original UT, UT2K3, and UT2K4 released before. Some are speculating that this may have been done so that the name of the game will match the game engine that it will be running on (Unreal Engine 3), while others note that UT2K3 was merely a beta of sorts for UT2K4, and therefore cannot be considered as a legitimate member of the series.

Either way, everyone is waiting for Midway to tell us why they decided to do this re-christening, while the rest of us may have to learn math all over again (those who’ve watched all Star Wars movies or followed all Final Fantasy games would know what we mean).

Where's my flak cannon???? - Image 1

As reported by CVG, Midway Games has just recently announced it has decided to rename the fourth installment to the Unreal Tournament series, from “Unreal Tournament 2007“, to “Unreal Tournament 3“.

Many are, of course, confused by this sudden change, considering that before the announcement of the upcoming UT2K7, there were the original UT, UT2K3, and UT2K4 released before. Some are speculating that this may have been done so that the name of the game will match the game engine that it will be running on (Unreal Engine 3), while others note that UT2K3 was merely a beta of sorts for UT2K4, and therefore cannot be considered as a legitimate member of the series.

Either way, everyone is waiting for Midway to tell us why they decided to do this re-christening, while the rest of us may have to learn math all over again (those who’ve watched all Star Wars movies or followed all Final Fantasy games would know what we mean).

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