Galaga XBLA Hands-On at TeamXbox


The guys over at TeamXbox managed to get their hands on Galaga, which has made its way to the Microsoft test servers already and will soon be making its way to homes everywhere. The gameplay is basically the same at the arcade, except this time you’ll spend a one time fee of 400 microsoft points instead of an endless amount of quarters. As you might have expected, the game comes complete with 12 achievements worth 200 points and Leaderboards so you can compare yourself to your friends and the world’s greatest players.

Achievements can be earned by making it to certain stages in the game, clearing out every enemy in a challenge stage, or by finding special foes. To help make your journey a little easier, you’ll have the option to start from any stage that you’ve played in the game after you get a game over, so you won’t have to waste your time on the initial levels if you don’t want to. You can use either the analog stick or the D-pad to move, ‘A’ for single shot fire, and ‘B’ for rapid fire in case your finger gets tired. If you need to get your Galaga fix and can’t make your way to the arcade, then this XBLA title seems like it’ll do the trick once released.

Via TeamXbox


The guys over at TeamXbox managed to get their hands on Galaga, which has made its way to the Microsoft test servers already and will soon be making its way to homes everywhere. The gameplay is basically the same at the arcade, except this time you’ll spend a one time fee of 400 microsoft points instead of an endless amount of quarters. As you might have expected, the game comes complete with 12 achievements worth 200 points and Leaderboards so you can compare yourself to your friends and the world’s greatest players.

Achievements can be earned by making it to certain stages in the game, clearing out every enemy in a challenge stage, or by finding special foes. To help make your journey a little easier, you’ll have the option to start from any stage that you’ve played in the game after you get a game over, so you won’t have to waste your time on the initial levels if you don’t want to. You can use either the analog stick or the D-pad to move, ‘A’ for single shot fire, and ‘B’ for rapid fire in case your finger gets tired. If you need to get your Galaga fix and can’t make your way to the arcade, then this XBLA title seems like it’ll do the trick once released.

Via TeamXbox

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