Gamestop and EB don’t want opportunistic employees

Sell stuff? not good.

According to a post on Joystiq, the heads of EB Games and Gamestop really don’t want their employees to be abusing their privileges. Apparently, they’re tracking sales of the PS3 and Wii on eBay, and if they find out you’re an employee doing it, you can kiss your job goodbye.

Now, this news isn’t confirmed, so we’re posting it as a rumor, but you have to admit the aggressiveness of such an attempt. Are they going to try and win random eBay auctions to catch potential culprits or keep digging for info on both bidders and auctioneers? That seems unlikely, but it would be best if Gamestop and EB games employees were hesitant to take advantage of their good fortune to make extra cash.

It probably isn’t going to stop people from selling the consoles on eBay, but if a definite warning from the big bosses doesn’t curb the enthusiasm of employees with entrepreneurial skills, then they must really want the money. Still, don’t say we didn’t offer our faithful readers a notice of such things. Don’t get scammed, and certainly don’t do things against company policy, all right?

Sell stuff? not good.

According to a post on Joystiq, the heads of EB Games and Gamestop really don’t want their employees to be abusing their privileges. Apparently, they’re tracking sales of the PS3 and Wii on eBay, and if they find out you’re an employee doing it, you can kiss your job goodbye.

Now, this news isn’t confirmed, so we’re posting it as a rumor, but you have to admit the aggressiveness of such an attempt. Are they going to try and win random eBay auctions to catch potential culprits or keep digging for info on both bidders and auctioneers? That seems unlikely, but it would be best if Gamestop and EB games employees were hesitant to take advantage of their good fortune to make extra cash.

It probably isn’t going to stop people from selling the consoles on eBay, but if a definite warning from the big bosses doesn’t curb the enthusiasm of employees with entrepreneurial skills, then they must really want the money. Still, don’t say we didn’t offer our faithful readers a notice of such things. Don’t get scammed, and certainly don’t do things against company policy, all right?

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