GDC: Looking at the Gay “non-troversy”

Gaymer? - Image 1It seems gay characters are fast becoming a non-issue, at least in the minds of game developers. On the other hand, while this “non-troversy,” as Designer Jeb Havens put it, is more or less a sort of plot issue for games, it’s doubtless going to be something that many outside the games community might grit their teeth at.

That being said, part of this year’s Game Developers’ Conference (GDC) was devoted to tackling the issues related to homosexuality and gaming. As Joystiq reports, issues in various game-related fields were discussed, from an International Game Developers Association (IGDA) special interest group to establishing Human Rights Campaign corporate equality index numbers for all game companies.

At the same time, one of the more notable portions of the videogame homosexuality controversy is that it doesn’t truly exist. As Joystiq mentions,

 As the roster of gay characters increases, which according to a recent study are wanted much more in RPGs, could gay characters become non-troversies in games like a Gears of War sequel?

All signs, whether to your delight or annoyance, definitely point to “yes.” For us, we wouldn’t mind seeing more diverse character types in games. It may just bring something new to game stories that no one’s thought of yet.

Via Joystiq

Gaymer? - Image 1It seems gay characters are fast becoming a non-issue, at least in the minds of game developers. On the other hand, while this “non-troversy,” as Designer Jeb Havens put it, is more or less a sort of plot issue for games, it’s doubtless going to be something that many outside the games community might grit their teeth at.

That being said, part of this year’s Game Developers’ Conference (GDC) was devoted to tackling the issues related to homosexuality and gaming. As Joystiq reports, issues in various game-related fields were discussed, from an International Game Developers Association (IGDA) special interest group to establishing Human Rights Campaign corporate equality index numbers for all game companies.

At the same time, one of the more notable portions of the videogame homosexuality controversy is that it doesn’t truly exist. As Joystiq mentions,

 As the roster of gay characters increases, which according to a recent study are wanted much more in RPGs, could gay characters become non-troversies in games like a Gears of War sequel?

All signs, whether to your delight or annoyance, definitely point to “yes.” For us, we wouldn’t mind seeing more diverse character types in games. It may just bring something new to game stories that no one’s thought of yet.

Via Joystiq

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