Forbes says women are into casual video games, too

Forbes says ladies are into gaming as well - Image 1In this day and age, it would seem that the boundaries of traditional gender roles are blurring, even with regard to electronic gaming. Forbes, for example, has recently picked up on what appears to be a surge of female interest in the casual game market.

If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to turn to the full article after the jump for more on gender-related gaming.

Forbes says that women tend to go for casual games like Diner Dash - Image 1While men and women tend to differ from one another, they also have certain things in common. Interest in casual gaming appears to be one of them. According to Forbes, women are reportedly more likely to get into casual gaming than their male counterparts.

For instance, statistics have revealed that 75% percent of those who pay for casual games are women. Furthermore, 72% of these ladies are over 35 years old.

With more women playing casual video games, it makes sense that developers and publishers are trying to catch their attention as well. Games with female protagonists such as Diner Dash (DS, PSP) and Wedding Dash cater to more than the usual 18-35 male gamer demographic.

Developers also tend to benefit from this setup. By doing away with fancy graphics and focusing on gameplay, companies can reach more gamers and still save money in the process. If anything, Forbes has only confirmed what an earlier scientific study has already discovered.

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