Gears of War soundtrack to be released this month by Sumthing Else Music Works

Gears of War Soundtrack - Image 1So you’re charging down a horde of black shapes you can only detect through movement, you fire blindly and rise victorious and you think “damn, that’s a good soundtrack for my victory pose.” Well, now you get to enjoy the soundtrack of Gears of War even without having to gun down the Locust Horde.

Sumthing Else Music Works, Inc. has struck a license deal with Epic Games to release the soundtrack of the video game. The score of the soundtrack was written by Kevin Riepl, composed and conducted by Corey Status, and performed the Northwest Sinfonia Orchestra. The score won the 2006 Interactive Achievement Award for Original Music Composition.

The soundtrack will be released on July 31 in the US in retail outlets through Nile RodgersÂ’ Sumthing Else Music Works record label.

Gears of War Soundtrack - Image 1So you’re charging down a horde of black shapes you can only detect through movement, you fire blindly and rise victorious and you think “damn, that’s a good soundtrack for my victory pose.” Well, now you get to enjoy the soundtrack of Gears of War even without having to gun down the Locust Horde.

Sumthing Else Music Works, Inc. has struck a license deal with Epic Games to release the soundtrack of the video game. The score of the soundtrack was written by Kevin Riepl, composed and conducted by Corey Status, and performed the Northwest Sinfonia Orchestra. The score won the 2006 Interactive Achievement Award for Original Music Composition.

The soundtrack will be released on July 31 in the US in retail outlets through Nile RodgersÂ’ Sumthing Else Music Works record label.

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