Giggity! Some new Family Guy game videos

We remember Mr. Belvedere as being the 80’s version of a super butler-slash-nanny for American households. Apparently, he’s also the villainous enemy to Quahog’s village idiot, Peter Griffin, as he’s kidnapped Peter’s family.

That, or Peter may have hit his head again.

Strangely enough, it’s those completely unrelated things that make “Family Guy” so funny, and while translating them into a game format probably isn’t easy, 2K Games made sure we got enough laughs out of it on Sony‘s PSP handheld.

These three new videos of the Family Guy video game showcase some of the things Peter and his son, the megalomaniacal British-sounding infant Stewie, have to do on their respective quests. Stewie not only has to escape from the hospital (by shooting everything in his way), he also has to face his brother Bertram again, though why he has to go inside Peter Griffin to do that is beyond us. Peter, on the other hand, really does think Mr. Belvedere is real. He rampages through the town in an effort to find his missing family (who is probably not in the clutches of the fictional Belvedere).

Sigh… so much weirdness, not enough time. Enjoy these videos instead.

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We remember Mr. Belvedere as being the 80’s version of a super butler-slash-nanny for American households. Apparently, he’s also the villainous enemy to Quahog’s village idiot, Peter Griffin, as he’s kidnapped Peter’s family.

That, or Peter may have hit his head again.

Strangely enough, it’s those completely unrelated things that make “Family Guy” so funny, and while translating them into a game format probably isn’t easy, 2K Games made sure we got enough laughs out of it on Sony‘s PSP handheld.

These three new videos of the Family Guy video game showcase some of the things Peter and his son, the megalomaniacal British-sounding infant Stewie, have to do on their respective quests. Stewie not only has to escape from the hospital (by shooting everything in his way), he also has to face his brother Bertram again, though why he has to go inside Peter Griffin to do that is beyond us. Peter, on the other hand, really does think Mr. Belvedere is real. He rampages through the town in an effort to find his missing family (who is probably not in the clutches of the fictional Belvedere).

Sigh… so much weirdness, not enough time. Enjoy these videos instead.

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