Goldfever City – Wild West homebrew shooter

Sony PlayStation Portable handheld - Image 1Homebrew developer cau’X has once again churned out a new project, but this time set in a more unique setting compared to other homebrew titles. Goldfever City features 12 different adventures set in the age when it was all about saloon fights, rattlesnakes in your boots, and saving the pretty damsel in distress from marauding bandits. Check out the game’s other details in our full article.

Download: Goldfever City

Screenshot of Goldfever City PSP homebrew game - Image 1 Screenshot of Goldfever City PSP homebrew game - Image 2

The Wild West makes its way to the homebrew community scene with the latest project from developer cau’X. Goldfever City is one of the developer’s more unique releases compared to the other homebrew titles previously rolled out. It features 12 different adventures set in the age when it was all about saloon fights, rattlesnakes in your boots, and saving the pretty damsel in distress from marauding bandits.

The game utilizes a top down interface drawn against very detailed backgrounds and plays essentially like a shooter. While the game was originally coded in French, the developer recently ported the game in English and allows users to switch from one language to another.

It certainly looks like a lot of hard work was put into the game, judging from the images alone. The developer mentioned that this was a seven month long C coded project that was well worth the wait.

Anyway, we won’t keep you guys away from this game any longer. You’re free to download Goldfever City through the link we’ve provided below. Enjoy!

Download: Goldfever City

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