Grab Your Hoes! It’s a Preview of Harvest Moon: Heroes

Harvest Moon HeroesHoes, rakes, shovels, axes and water buckets! All those and more are going to be usable through the Wiimote for for the Nintendo Wii’s upcoming Harvest Moon game, Harvest Moon Heroes.

For those who’ve never heard of the Harvest Moon series, the game is essentially a simple farming sim, where you get to build your farm up from scratch to make it a happy and wonderful place.

The game hasn’t been about getting to the end of the it, so much as enjoying the journey of seeing your hard work and planting strategies pay off, and perhaps finding yourself a wife in the process.

According to Yashifumi Hashimoto, the game’s producer, one of the best features of the game will be in actually manipulating the said farm implements by moving the Wiimote accordingly. “We’re just going to make it so you can kind of experience it and kind of have fun with it but not become tired of it,” he says. “We’re balancing it now to stay within the ‘fun’ part.”

Natsume and Marvelous have been listening to fans, however, and have promised a feature that many fans have been waiting for: a costume change option. So from wearing a farmer outfit to (maybe) looking like a red-and-blue colored plumber… there seems to be a good chance of that!

For now though, it’s still going to be the same old peaceful gameplay that fans have always loved, with some additional tweaks to enhance the experience.

Harvest Moon HeroesHoes, rakes, shovels, axes and water buckets! All those and more are going to be usable through the Wiimote for for the Nintendo Wii’s upcoming Harvest Moon game, Harvest Moon Heroes.

For those who’ve never heard of the Harvest Moon series, the game is essentially a simple farming sim, where you get to build your farm up from scratch to make it a happy and wonderful place.

The game hasn’t been about getting to the end of the it, so much as enjoying the journey of seeing your hard work and planting strategies pay off, and perhaps finding yourself a wife in the process.

According to Yashifumi Hashimoto, the game’s producer, one of the best features of the game will be in actually manipulating the said farm implements by moving the Wiimote accordingly. “We’re just going to make it so you can kind of experience it and kind of have fun with it but not become tired of it,” he says. “We’re balancing it now to stay within the ‘fun’ part.”

Natsume and Marvelous have been listening to fans, however, and have promised a feature that many fans have been waiting for: a costume change option. So from wearing a farmer outfit to (maybe) looking like a red-and-blue colored plumber… there seems to be a good chance of that!

For now though, it’s still going to be the same old peaceful gameplay that fans have always loved, with some additional tweaks to enhance the experience.

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