Guilt-free leaked Drake’s Fortune screens

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Okay, you know how it’s like to know something that you aren’t supposed to know? Like, “hearing” about the questions in your upcoming midterms? It’s guilt-inducing, yet at the same time thrilling, right? Well, consider this post as on of those times — minus the guilt part.

We have here for you the leaked first ever images for Naughty Dog‘s action-adventure PS3 title in the works, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Now, all you have to do is click on the thumbnails to get a better view of the screenies, and thus see for yourself if this game’s got any potential.

So, where did we get this leakage? From PlayFrance who supposedly went through lead environmental artist, Rob Adams’ own site. Oh, the wonders of online journals! Anyway, the dam’s been spilt, and there’s no going back. Expect more news, updates, images, and other whatnots on this game flowing your way more often. We’ll be sure to keep you posted.

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And more leaked pics after the jump!

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Okay, you know how it’s like to know something that you aren’t supposed to know? Like, “hearing” about the questions in your upcoming midterms? It’s guilt-inducing, yet at the same time thrilling, right? Well, consider this post as on of those times — minus the guilt part.

We have here for you the leaked first ever images for Naughty Dog‘s action-adventure PS3 title in the works, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Now, all you have to do is click on the thumbnails to get a better view of the screenies, and thus see for yourself if this game’s got any potential.

So, where did we get this leakage? From PlayFrance who supposedly went through lead environmental artist, Rob Adams’ own site. Oh, the wonders of online journals! Anyway, the dam’s been spilt, and there’s no going back. Expect more news, updates, images, and other whatnots on this game flowing your way more often. We’ll be sure to keep you posted.

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Via PlayFrance

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