Guitar Hero: Metallica slated for next year, official title for new James Bond game revealed

Metallica - Image 1Looking forward to Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii)? Well, here’s more licensed goodness coming your way. It was recently revealed that Activision will be rolling out Guitar Hero: Metallica. If that’s not enough, the official name of the the next James Bond video game was also revealed. Head on over to the full article for more information.

Metallica - Image 1It looks like Activision is going all out with their campaign for artist-specific Guitar Hero games. It was just revealed that the company plans on following up Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii) with Guitar Hero: Metallica! In addition, to this exciting bit of information the official name of the next James Bond video game has also been revealed.

How did this information get out to the public? Well, it seems that Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Edward Woo was sifting through the SEC filing of Activision over the weekend where he discovered these facts.

According to the SEC filing of Activision, “In fiscal 2009, we plan to publish Guitar Hero: On Tour for the NDS; Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Guitar Hero: Metallica, and Guitar Hero IV (Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii) across multiple platforms.” Since Activision’s fiscal year ends on March 31, 2009, we should probably expect the game to come out by early next year at the latest.

With regard to the new James Bond video game, the SEC document revealed that the game will be called Quantum of Solace. This pretty much means that the video game will indeed have ties with the next James Bond film.

Via Gamespot

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