Hajime No Ippo new screens
Here are some more images of the different fighting styles that you will see in AQ Interactive‘s Hajime No Ippo title for the Wii. Key to that knock-out punch would be the proper accumulation of the “shooting skill gauge” (thanks to Google translate — you know what that means: may be inaccurate), which will tell you when is the perfect time to unleash that gloved killing machine.
So, for all you boxer-wannabes out there, take a good hard look at these screens, cos you just might pick up a thing or two about getting that one-two footwork right, along with getting that resounding punch — hopefully, not on your face, but on your opponent’s.
More action-packed screens after the jump!
Here are some more images of the different fighting styles that you will see in AQ Interactive‘s Hajime No Ippo title for the Wii. Key to that knock-out punch would be the proper accumulation of the “shooting skill gauge” (thanks to Google translate — you know what that means: may be inaccurate), which will tell you when is the perfect time to unleash that gloved killing machine.
So, for all you boxer-wannabes out there, take a good hard look at these screens, cos you just might pick up a thing or two about getting that one-two footwork right, along with getting that resounding punch — hopefully, not on your face, but on your opponent’s.
Via Famitsu