Have yourself a very white Christmas: White Knight Story release date confirmed, new Famitsu scans

White Knight Story - Image 1It’s gonna be a special white Christmas for fans awaiting White Knight Story/Chronicles. That’s because the official release date has finally been announced in Famitsu Magazine, and there’s also a couple of scans for eye candy.

White Knight Story - Image 1 White Knight Story - Image 2 

Magazine Famitsu has got some new information on Level-5‘s White Knight Story/Chronicles. Not only did they have new scans, they also have official word on the game’s release date. Finally.

A lot of speculations have been going on as to when the real launch of the title is, and now we have it. And it’s truly gonna be a special white Christmas for the fans, cos it’s gonna be out exactly on December 25th.

Developer Ryko has also added some more information on White Knight in the article.

It is the largest/ most extravagant title he’s ever worked on and will more than likely remain that way
alludes to being interested in producing a sequel… WKC is probably only the first chapter in an epic story
Includes an aspect which go beyond typical RPG gameplay which is only possible on PS3, but hasn’t been revealed yet

Exciting stuff, huh? So there you go. White Knight Story is dropping on December 25, 2008. No word yet, however, if Santa will personally deliver the goods on your doorstep.. er.. chimney. Just keep it posted here for more updates.

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