HellGate: London Summons the Cabalist

Cabalist Screen1London, 30 years in the future, has been overrun by a demonic force. You are one of the survivors and part of a resistance force to drive the demons back to where they come from. This is setting of the upcoming MMO by Flagship Studios and Namco Bandai, Hellgate: London, to defeat an enemy one must know the enemy, which is what the new class, the Cabalists, believe in. They can choose to wield from three schools of arcane magic: Summoning (control your own demonic force), Spectral (unleash powerful attacks) and Transformation (morph into an attacking demon).

Bill Roper, CEO and co-founder of Flagship Studios, said, “The Cabalist class has been a closely guarded secret since the game’s conception…Fans have been asking us for quite a while if we were going to have a character class that focused on spells. With the Cabalist, we know they are going to get exactly what they’ve been dreaming of.”

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Cabalist Screen1London, 30 years in the future, has been overrun by a demonic force. You are one of the survivors and part of a resistance force to drive the demons back to where they come from. This is setting of the upcoming MMO by Flagship Studios and Namco Bandai, Hellgate: London, to defeat an enemy one must know the enemy, which is what the new class, the Cabalists, believe in. They can choose to wield from three schools of arcane magic: Summoning (control your own demonic force), Spectral (unleash powerful attacks) and Transformation (morph into an attacking demon).

Bill Roper, CEO and co-founder of Flagship Studios, said, “The Cabalist class has been a closely guarded secret since the game’s conception…Fans have been asking us for quite a while if we were going to have a character class that focused on spells. With the Cabalist, we know they are going to get exactly what they’ve been dreaming of.”

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