Help Keep Warhammer Online Plagiarism-Free!

Say hello to ShirleyOne thing you get used to with the rise of a popular new game is the arrival of fiction of all sorts, from action fantasy stories to steamy love scenes between two hot male dwarves named Legolash and Araghorny. While there is some fun to writing fictional tales of daring and bravado, it wouldn’t be right to cheat your way into getting your name on the site.

Such things just might happen if you’re thinking of plagiarising someone’s work and posting it for Warhammer Online’s “Legends and Lore” page.

As Warhammer Online slowly reaches beta testing phase, it’s no surprise that those who’ve been firmly entrenched in the Warhammer universe may want to write their own stories. The community managers, however, would like to make sure that someone doesn’t run off into the wilderness and try to pass off other people’s works as his own, or steal bits and pieces from other pieces of fiction.

They’d like to enlist the help of good-natured and dedicated fans to check for any sort of plagiarism they might find on the “Legends and Lore” page. This is especially important as they add more stories to the page in the coming days, so something might slip past their defenses but not our own.

Don’t hesitate to check the “Legends and Lore” page of Warhammer Online for the appropriate email adds to report to. Be sure to keep checking QJ for updates on the latest in gaming and tech.

Say hello to ShirleyOne thing you get used to with the rise of a popular new game is the arrival of fiction of all sorts, from action fantasy stories to steamy love scenes between two hot male dwarves named Legolash and Araghorny. While there is some fun to writing fictional tales of daring and bravado, it wouldn’t be right to cheat your way into getting your name on the site.

Such things just might happen if you’re thinking of plagiarising someone’s work and posting it for Warhammer Online’s “Legends and Lore” page.

As Warhammer Online slowly reaches beta testing phase, it’s no surprise that those who’ve been firmly entrenched in the Warhammer universe may want to write their own stories. The community managers, however, would like to make sure that someone doesn’t run off into the wilderness and try to pass off other people’s works as his own, or steal bits and pieces from other pieces of fiction.

They’d like to enlist the help of good-natured and dedicated fans to check for any sort of plagiarism they might find on the “Legends and Lore” page. This is especially important as they add more stories to the page in the coming days, so something might slip past their defenses but not our own.

Don’t hesitate to check the “Legends and Lore” page of Warhammer Online for the appropriate email adds to report to. Be sure to keep checking QJ for updates on the latest in gaming and tech.

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