High-priced PS3 struggles in eBay

PlayStation 3: not selling well - Image 1Here’s a shocker: Nobody’s buying a Sony PlayStation 3 tagged at £600 in eBay. For an auction starting price, that seems a little stiff, and we’re glad nobody was really too desperate to buy it.


PS3 sales have been relatively fine as the console continues to have a regular wave of consumers picking up the box at UK stores. It may not exactly be selling like hotcakes, but we never expected anything of the sort, did we?

The best deal we’ve seen in eBay by far would be a £499 model with a free game. At this point, we recommend waiting for all the ruckus to settle down until prices drop a little and bugs are exposed, if any. But hey, if you have to, go get it and have fun.

PlayStation 3: not selling well - Image 1Here’s a shocker: Nobody’s buying a Sony PlayStation 3 tagged at £600 in eBay. For an auction starting price, that seems a little stiff, and we’re glad nobody was really too desperate to buy it.


PS3 sales have been relatively fine as the console continues to have a regular wave of consumers picking up the box at UK stores. It may not exactly be selling like hotcakes, but we never expected anything of the sort, did we?

The best deal we’ve seen in eBay by far would be a £499 model with a free game. At this point, we recommend waiting for all the ruckus to settle down until prices drop a little and bugs are exposed, if any. But hey, if you have to, go get it and have fun.

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