Homeless men help entrepreneur hoard PS3s for reselling
While some of you guys are worrying about lining up as early/late as now, other people have different things in mind. This was bound to happen. Some people are just so entrepreneurial that they’d resort to whatever extent just to earn more money. This guy, Abdul Salem, just hired 50 or so homeless guys to secure him a ticket stub for the launch, paying them a hundred bucks a day to line up for him.
A lot of you guys might be in a raging fit now because of this scheme of his. But really, business is business, right? Maybe even some of you would just get steamed simply because he’s thought of it before you did.
In the news clip above (uploaded by hellomynameischrono), Salem explains that his master plan is to use these homeless men to line up for a ticket stub to buy him the consoles then put them up for auction (the consoles, not the homeless men). Hoarding and reselling PS3 units for higher? Sounds like a similar horror story which we posted just earlier. Too bad eBay‘s blocking such abuse.
Whatever the case, there’s something worth thinking about here. If it’s a free country, then would you rather have capitalism rampant enough to cut your chances of buying a PS3 or would you simply say that business is really just business? With those two sides of the coin, pick yours…
While some of you guys are worrying about lining up as early/late as now, other people have different things in mind. This was bound to happen. Some people are just so entrepreneurial that they’d resort to whatever extent just to earn more money. This guy, Abdul Salem, just hired 50 or so homeless guys to secure him a ticket stub for the launch, paying them a hundred bucks a day to line up for him.
A lot of you guys might be in a raging fit now because of this scheme of his. But really, business is business, right? Maybe even some of you would just get steamed simply because he’s thought of it before you did.
In the news clip above (uploaded by hellomynameischrono), Salem explains that his master plan is to use these homeless men to line up for a ticket stub to buy him the consoles then put them up for auction (the consoles, not the homeless men). Hoarding and reselling PS3 units for higher? Sounds like a similar horror story which we posted just earlier. Too bad eBay‘s blocking such abuse.
Whatever the case, there’s something worth thinking about here. If it’s a free country, then would you rather have capitalism rampant enough to cut your chances of buying a PS3 or would you simply say that business is really just business? With those two sides of the coin, pick yours…