How Blizzard handles restoration of banned WoW accounts

On restoring WoW accounts - Image 1Remember the Washington Post writer who got his World of Warcraft account banned because he asked a private company to do the levelling for him? Well, his account got banned because Blizzard has every reason to do it. As you know, sharing passwords and accounts with others are prohibited.

Now, what if you’ve honestly done nothing wrong and then all of a sudden, your account got banned. Such is the problem faced by user Zurm over at WoW‘s official community forum. The player mentioned that he contacted in-game GMs and even informed Blizzard’s Account and Billing Services about the matter but their replies haven’t been helpful: “Uh, okay. The report has been filed.”

Blizzard forum moderator Vrakthris addressed the post by explaining how things like these are handled by their team. The blue poster remarked,

When a possible compromise of your account is reported, your information is forwarded to our investigation team, there it will wait in queue until it can be addressed. How long before your issue is resolved is dependent upon how many others are in queue before you and the complexity of your case. Unfortunately, although Game Masters can confirm that your issue was forwarded we are unable to provide you with an estimate on when it will be resolved.

Despite that, Vrakthris added that there are cases that the investigation team are able to restore things just within hours after the incident report. Some cases, however, may take three to five days to resolve. All of these, according to the moderator, is dependent on your case’s complexity, and on how many other reports are queued before yours.

On restoring WoW accounts - Image 1Remember the Washington Post writer who got his World of Warcraft account banned because he asked a private company to do the levelling for him? Well, his account got banned because Blizzard has every reason to do it. As you know, sharing passwords and accounts with others are prohibited.

Now, what if you’ve honestly done nothing wrong and then all of a sudden, your account got banned. Such is the problem faced by user Zurm over at WoW‘s official community forum. The player mentioned that he contacted in-game GMs and even informed Blizzard’s Account and Billing Services about the matter but their replies haven’t been helpful: “Uh, okay. The report has been filed.”

Blizzard forum moderator Vrakthris addressed the post by explaining how things like these are handled by their team. The blue poster remarked,

When a possible compromise of your account is reported, your information is forwarded to our investigation team, there it will wait in queue until it can be addressed. How long before your issue is resolved is dependent upon how many others are in queue before you and the complexity of your case. Unfortunately, although Game Masters can confirm that your issue was forwarded we are unable to provide you with an estimate on when it will be resolved.

Despite that, Vrakthris added that there are cases that the investigation team are able to restore things just within hours after the incident report. Some cases, however, may take three to five days to resolve. All of these, according to the moderator, is dependent on your case’s complexity, and on how many other reports are queued before yours.

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