Insider claims PSP 2 coming pre-Christmas: dual analogs, no UMD, sliding touchscreen and all
It looks like the Internet is not happy with a month passing by without any new rumor about the next iteration in the PSP handheld line. Whether it’s going to be a PSP-4000 or a PSP 2, an insider source of PocketGamer claims that Sony‘s going to release it before Christmas of this year, and that it’s getting dual analogs, no UMD, and a sliding touchscreen (oh and an instant waffle-maker baking tray too).
It looks like the Internet is not happy with a month passing by without any new rumor about the next iteration in the PSP handheld line. Whether it’s going to be a PSP-4000 or a PSP 2, an insider source of PocketGamer claims that Sony‘s going to release it before Christmas of this year.
Why? Despite Sony already shrugging off any threats from other handhelds, turns out they really are planning to release the PSP 2 because of A) the success of the iPhone, and B) the newly released DSi. Now here’s how PocketGamer describes the device:
Like Apple’s newcomer, the PSP 2 will be a compact device with a large touchscreen. However, where Sony’s machine has the edge is when the touchscreen is slid open as it reveals familiar buttons, D-pads and – praise the Lord of Handhelds – dual analogue controls.
This new format should allow for both existing hardcore console titles as well as simpler touchscreen games along the lines of those currently available in the App Store. And like the App Store, (and in the absence of UMD), the games will all be available for digital download via the PlayStation Store.
Ok, where’s my waffle-maker baking tray, dammit?
We’re notching this as rumor for now, and hoping Sony either A) makes a comment about this within the next couple of days (in which case, they’d be all “we don’t comment on rumor and unfounded blahblahblah”) or B) announces this baby come E3 ’09.
Related articles:
- PSP vs iPhone: PSP will always win as a dedicated games machine
- David Perry dares Sony to say he’s wrong about UMD-less PSP2
- Koller responds to UMD-less PSP 2 rumor: partially true, the rest is ‘no comment’
- Rumor: PSP-4000 incoming with new sexiness, sliding screen
- Sony blasts touchscreen PSP 2 rumors: nothing but poppycock
Via PocketGamer