Intel Mac Mini “Carputer” final product

Have you ever heard of the “Carputer“? Yep, that one where the Intel Mac Mini is installed in a Subaru? Not yet? Then read up, ‘cos this post’s about it.

That image posted below is actually the “final” product. Sam, over A GThing Science Project, has apparently been cooking up this project for quite some time now ( five blogs’ worth, in fact). And at last, after ripping his car, frying not but a few parts and soldering a whole lot of stuff to make the product car-friendly, it’s finally finished.

And it sure looks like a whole lot of hard work was put into it. So, if you want to check out exactly how this guy did it, and all the pains that he went through for it, you can check out the site over at the Read Link. We’d have to say, this “homemade project from scratch” sure gives a whole new meaning to the word “perseverance”.


Via GThing

Have you ever heard of the “Carputer“? Yep, that one where the Intel Mac Mini is installed in a Subaru? Not yet? Then read up, ‘cos this post’s about it.

That image posted below is actually the “final” product. Sam, over A GThing Science Project, has apparently been cooking up this project for quite some time now ( five blogs’ worth, in fact). And at last, after ripping his car, frying not but a few parts and soldering a whole lot of stuff to make the product car-friendly, it’s finally finished.

And it sure looks like a whole lot of hard work was put into it. So, if you want to check out exactly how this guy did it, and all the pains that he went through for it, you can check out the site over at the Read Link. We’d have to say, this “homemade project from scratch” sure gives a whole new meaning to the word “perseverance”.


Via GThing

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