Is Haze a PlayStation 3 exclusive?

Haze - Image 1 

Could the Free Radical-developed, Ubisoft-published Haze be exclusive for Sony‘s PlayStation 3? We’re not entirely too sure as of yet. But that’s the strong buzz going through the translated (indecently, at that) news pipe from the press conference held in France yesterday.

According to the Ubisoft announcement, Haze will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 3 for its initial launch. Or so that’s how it appears to be, as the announcement was made in French. There has been some debate as to what “exclusive” actually means in the context of the announcement. In any event, according to

Lors de sa conférence de presse qui vient de s’achever, Ubisoft a confirmé que Haze, le FPS développé dans les studios de Free Radical, sortira en exclusivité sur Playstation 3. Pour le moment, on nous indique qu’il devrait s’agir d’une exclusivité temporaire. Mais il faudra attendre demain pour en savoir plus à ce sujet.

Babelfish translates this as:

During the press conference which just ended, Ubisoft has confirmed that Haze, the FPS developed by the studios Free Radical, will be out first on Playstation 3. At the moment, we’ve been told it would be a temporary exclusivity. But we’ll have to wait until tomorrow (that’s today) to hear more about it.

It would appear that by exclusive, they actually meant time-exclusive. In other words, Haze will be in one console alone for a particular period of time, and when that time has lapsed already, it will be distributed to other platforms as well. In this context, that console who gets enjoyment of Haze by itself initially is Sony’s PlayStation 3. As to why this kind of setup was made, we can only guess.

Well, they did promise the announcement will be made today, so we’ll just keep you posted on this issue as news trickles in.

Haze - Image 1 

Could the Free Radical-developed, Ubisoft-published Haze be exclusive for Sony‘s PlayStation 3? We’re not entirely too sure as of yet. But that’s the strong buzz going through the translated (indecently, at that) news pipe from the press conference held in France yesterday.

According to the Ubisoft announcement, Haze will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 3 for its initial launch. Or so that’s how it appears to be, as the announcement was made in French. There has been some debate as to what “exclusive” actually means in the context of the announcement. In any event, according to

Lors de sa conférence de presse qui vient de s’achever, Ubisoft a confirmé que Haze, le FPS développé dans les studios de Free Radical, sortira en exclusivité sur Playstation 3. Pour le moment, on nous indique qu’il devrait s’agir d’une exclusivité temporaire. Mais il faudra attendre demain pour en savoir plus à ce sujet.

Babelfish translates this as:

During the press conference which just ended, Ubisoft has confirmed that Haze, the FPS developed by the studios Free Radical, will be out first on Playstation 3. At the moment, we’ve been told it would be a temporary exclusivity. But we’ll have to wait until tomorrow (that’s today) to hear more about it.

It would appear that by exclusive, they actually meant time-exclusive. In other words, Haze will be in one console alone for a particular period of time, and when that time has lapsed already, it will be distributed to other platforms as well. In this context, that console who gets enjoyment of Haze by itself initially is Sony’s PlayStation 3. As to why this kind of setup was made, we can only guess.

Well, they did promise the announcement will be made today, so we’ll just keep you posted on this issue as news trickles in.

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